What day is it? No really I need to know because somehow April (my last post date) turned into September! Hmmmm I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I have 4 boys and I have completely lost my mind! No but really I am looking back and some how Spring and Summer are lost among running errands, husbands falling off ladders at work (yes I am serious about that one), Trips to Oregon, running a teenager to visit his dad, and may other parent like things that had to be done. All the while feeling like we had not a real summer vacation to speak of. I have been looking back at the pictures from April until now and the fact that my boys have changed in so many ways is a little scary to think about. I am proud of them all and a little overwhelmed by them at times.
So for me what day is it?
Can you believe that this child right here is almost 6 foot? Well believe it! 5ft 11inch to be exact.
Prince Seven |
On this day we were heading to go school shopping but needed some "fuel" to start our adventure. Now I say adventure because shopping with Prince Seven is every.......well........hard. At least it use to be. This shopping trip I was completely taking by surprise! I mean jaw on the floor surprise. No fighting tooth and nail (like last year) to try on "gym" shoes, no that's stupid or ugly or I won't wear that blah blah blah. Until we hit "The Mart".....he was fading, I saw the crash coming, he was so over shopping and then it came...the refusal to look at anything else clothing related or school related. Awe it was grand while it lasted! I have to admit though he has grown and matured in so many ways I am amazed and proud. He will be 15 in just a few weeks time.
So really what day is it?
The one who came into the world and almost gave his momma a heart attack at the same time!
Prince Linus |
And he will continue to do so for the rest off his life. Given we have yet to visit the ER but I did say yet!
He will be 6 in October. Can you believe that? Oh and he is a lefty to boot, very shy and super sensitive. So sensitive in fact that after I spent the day with Prince Seven Prince Linus said to me "what about my special day with you? You promised I could have one too!" and ran off to his room. See the thing was that I didn't have a "special day" with Prince Seven I took him school shopping not some place fun. But I had promised so I decided to deliver on my promise. We had a "special day", we had pizza, went to the toy store and had frozen yogurt. He said "it wasn't a long enough special day and we need to have a longer one next time!"
So what day is it?
The one with horns hiding behind that angel face!
Prince Pig Pen |
Yes I said horns. Don't get me wrong on this one as I love him to pieces but I am telling you there are horns. And yet there are smiles (with horns in there), giggles and lots and lots of snuggles. He is bold, loud and has crazy mad professor hair first thing in the morning. Can you believe he just turned 4?
So what day is it?
And then there is this one. He seems to think he is the baby or something!
Prince Little Bit |
Oh yes he is the baby and he is fully aware of this. He is also to smart for his own good. He knows the fridge has food to eat, he knows he is not suppose to be playing with certain things and runs away laughing once he is caught, you can even see him thinking about what he is about to do and see him planning out he escape route! Oh yes he is the baby and he is very good at it too. Can you believe he is already 16 months old?
So what day is it?
It is a day in the life of me. My day......everyday....yesterday....and even tomorrow. Everyday is the same but also very different. Is my day normal? I am 100% sure it is not normal by normal standards. Take for example 2 seconds ago.....Prince Little Bit was eating markers while his brothers yelled at me from the other room and were watching him do it. Some how he managed to sneak past me and get these markers and "hide" with them. I certainly hope they are non toxic like they say they are! And yet he is smiling at me like nothing ever happened! So what day is it? Not sure.......but I am praying tomorrow is not as "fun".