Sitting here tonight thinking to myself.....What the heck happen to June??? We have had the weirdest year yet for seasons that is! It was only about 2 weeks ago we were still wearing our winter gear! And the last few days have been in the 80's! So yes summer has finally landed in California!!! And I am not complaining one bit! I love the warm spring and summer seasons....I even like fall...but winter...not so much! Especially this winter....this winter was very rough for everyone around us...and not just because it was cold and snowy...but we lost our Evan this last winter. Memories still haunt me to this very day...and some bring tears. But everyday is a new day. At least I am trying to look at it that way.
Today we set out to buy a new pool (wading pool)...for the little theirs from last year managed to have a few holes in it! Wonder how that happened (2 little boys)? Prince #2 keeps asking to go to the beach and I told him that we need to wait a few more weeks before we head to our little lake here by the house....since it was only iced over a few months ago...and would be extremely cold right now! So for now they get the little pool. We will see if the neighborhood critters want to swim too as it is only fair that the boys share it....right??
This time last year we were waiting for our prince #3 to have his surgery....he had it on July 6th 2010 (funny when I think back...I think I conceived Evan around that time). So I think I will tell this story of prince #3 and his surgery. When prince #3 was born he was perfect....well almost. You see he had 10 fingers 10 toes and all his parts...but he had a small problem with his little pee pee. We wanted to get him circumcised but the pediatrician said we should see a specialist first. We had an appointment in December 2009 to see a specialist. She was great..she told us he had what was call a hypospadias cordee. The hypospadias is where the pee pee hole is in the wrong place....instead of being at the head of the pee pee it is usually lower down.... prince #3's was very slightly below. The cordee is where the pee pee is crooked...his was shaped like a hook.....his also was twisted...poor little man peed to the left a lot! The surgeon scheduled the surgery for July 2010.....prince #3 was just shy of turn 1 year old. So July rolled around and we got ready for surgery....we had to be there early. These doctors just whip these patients out...but when you have done these surgeries all the time it is no wonder they can!
We finally got called to the back for pre-op. Prince #3 was as quiet as ever (which is not the norm)....but we had all had a rough night...not really sleeping and all. They have the cutest little gowns for the babies.
My little boy before surgery! |
He fell asleep twice before they took him back for surgery. The last time the nurse came in and took him from me and took him in for surgery. We waited and waited and waited.........really it felt like forever (although I was exhausted still from lack of sleep). But it only really took about a hour and a half......the surgeon came out she said he did great and the reason it only took her a hour and a half was there was only a little that needed to be done....which was a good thing. She said that after about an hour more we could go back and see prince #3. So we waited a little longer....once we finally got to go back to recovery the nurse lead us through the door past several little recovery rooms (mostly made of curtains) to a far back room in the corner by the other door. Prince #3 was laying in his bed still groggy from the meds....he looked at me and sat straight up and made the pick me up gesture (as best he could). Now at this point you need to understand this kid did not cry once since waking from not once..the nurses all said so. In fact the nurses were all in love with this little boy.....(it may have had to do with the fact that he flirted with every nurse that passed by the little room he was in)....and they were amazed that he did not once cry. He was a trooper. Now there was a little boy in the room next to us that everytime a nurse came anywhere near him he cried and screamed. So for 3 hours we listened to that little boy and we knew everytime the nurse walked in his room! All the nurses were amazed with prince #3(especially after that little boy)! So as we sat in recovery the nurse said "he has to pee before we will let him go home" problem the kid had not had anything to eat or drink since the night downing some water, juice, or whatever other prob right????WRONG! That kid downed like 6 bottles of liquid. Now I am just saying if I had that much to drink I would have been dieing (I was too since I hadn't peed in a couple hours)!! It took the boy 3 hours to finally pee. By the time he peed and we headed home.....he decided to be mad about riding in the car home and cried and cried and cried. He passed out finally half way home. Now mind you he was just shy of turning one and he had not started walking yet. Two days after his surgery he started walking......yes I said 2 days! And he never cried and to this day he is not bothered by any of it! He will grow and be and look normal (by the standard of normal....which isn't really when you think about it). He will be 2 in July, he is a sweet little boy still and still flirts with the ladies! And...time does fly doesn't it!
What a goof!! But I love him! |
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