I guess I should begin at the beginning...not the very beginning because no one is really all that interested in knowing how I came to be on this earth! But the beginning of my life with my Princes and what the minus 1 really means to me!
In 2005 almost 6 years ago I married the most wonderful man I could ever ask for! And to say the least I did not think that we would have a roller coaster ride of a life together. He is in all essence my Knight and Shine Armor...although 6 years ago I would have never thought that the man of my dreams lived across the street!! Literally!! For see he was my neighbor and childhood friend....I remember playing together as kids...how funny is that! But he is the man that made me "Unbroken"....and has every since been the one to hold me up when I felt like falling down!
Now you may ask yourselves a question when I say that when we fell in love and married he married into a family of 2. My oldest Prince was part of a union that did not work so well...but I did get something wonderful from it (most days anyway)..AJ. He has been my hell on 2 legs from 2yrs on and yes I did a great deal of it by myself. But for the most part he is good kid with a good heart......just misplaced sometimes. But what do you expect for a pre-teen (lord help me I only have 4 months left and then a full on teenager is lurking in this house....pray for me)!
In 2007 I had the honor of welcoming "our" precious Prince #2 Jackson into our lives...and just a suddenly as he came in we almost lost him. 5lbs 8oz and come to find out he should have joined us 2 weeks earlier! He had no aminotic fluid left around him in utero and he spent a week in the NICU....the scariest week of my life (so I thought then). But he is a healthy, loud, sweet, 3yr old loving little boy. Who by the way talks non stop about Hot Wheels Acceleracers...his new found passion!

In 2009 again we welcomed another Prince into our family #3 Cayden....at first look he was as healthy as could be. Until further probing....see we wanted to circumcise him but the doc said "you need to see a specialist about this!" Oh great now what!! Well the specialist says "hypospadius cordee". My poor little man had a crooked little tally whacker!! And his hole was not in the right place....sigh...so a surgery we would have. (I will post more about this later...good story!) But he was none the wiser and lord help us....he won't stop talking he almost 2 and boy can he talk....just like another family member...who has been gone almost 3yrs now....miss you dad!
Now I must pause for a moment and tell you all if you choose to follow me in this new adventure... there will be many a back story to things that have transpired over the course of 5 plus yrs for my family.....but my next post right here will be the reason I started this blog in the first place. Ok here goes...................
Evan Daniel Prince #4 (but now my minus 1) was to make his presents known March 27th 2011.....but that was not so.....he came into this world on Dec.28th 2011 asleep..I delivered him at 27weeks...the world stop on that day or so it seemed. My precious Prince #4 was taken from this family by a horrid monster, a black abyss it should be so aptly named but it is called "Hydrops Fetalis". His precious heart stopped at 26 weeks it could no longer take the beating it was recieving from this monster! Never in my life did I think that I would suffer a loss so great it would change me forever......but it did! (I will post that whole journey at a later time) The wound it left still open and sore will ....I don't think ever really heal! But I am here and though I may not be whole I am here...and so starts a New Adventure....My life a Princesss among Princes-1!
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