We went Friday with a group of great friends! And have decided to totally do it again with more friends! Saturday we went to the park and let the little princes run wild! And then I had to make my special "Taco Salad" for a surprise graduation party we were going to Sunday afternoon. Then Sunday we attended said graduation party. They had games to play and the big boys and girls all included prince #2 in the games it was so great!
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Prince #2 Bobbing for Apples |
Today was a run errand kind of day........but among all the fun and things from the weekend......at least once everyday I think of those in my life special to me that are now gone. And I suppose prince #2 has been feeling this too. He doesn't remember his Grandpa Jim (my Dad) but talking about what happened to him makes him sad too.
Saturday afternoon my two little princes were very lovey dovey with me (mostly because we had made them spend the night with Nana...and they felt deserted). Prince #2 says to me "my grandma is you mom" (yes) "your mom is my grandma" (yes)...."where is you dad?"...So I began to explain that my dad died and that he was his Grandpa Jim..(prince #2 had only just turned 1 when he died)....(the entire time I am explaining he has the sad doe eyed look in his eyes and a small quiver to his bottom lip) he says "but what happen to him why he die".... Well he got sick and he died......"but the docer (doctor) can fix it".... He was to sick and the doctor couldn't fix it...."oh...well where is he"...We had to bury him in a special place....."what it called"....It is called the cemetery. We buried your brother Evan by Grandpa...do you remember that? "Eban is not my brother he is my friend!!! (Eban is a playmate of his) "No not Eban...EV-VAN...."oh.....you miss you dad" (yes).....The whole conversation had brought me to tears and brought my mom to tears. And since this conversation I have thought about my dad. So I will tell the quick story of how sick my dad was.
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My Mom and Dad |
October 2008.....my parents had been back from Idaho since April of this year. Prince #2 had just turned 1 and we were forever reminded by my Dad "he almost died (prince #2)"!! My dad had went in for his monthly check up for a blood disorder (not sure the name of it off the top of my head) where he produces to much blood. Anyway they were getting ready for a trip up to Idaho to close up the house they had there for the winter and had to go to the doctor for this check up.....his blood count came back extremely low...so much so they told him not to go they need to do more blood tests. Once these were said and done they said we think you should go to Standford university for more tests. I will always remember the day... Mom called me to tell me the results of Dad's tests.....he had Leukemia! For the next 3 weeks they ran up and down the road to Standford for doctors and such. The day they went in to see if Dad could do a new treatment for this disease....it was a Friday and instead of a option for treatment the doctors gave him this instead...........3-4 days left to live! This disease ripped through his body so fast in 3 weeks......what? How is that possible? But it did just that.....so my Mom brought my Dad home to be with his family. Now my Dad was not one that want everyone to be sad at mope around after is death...so he told my Mom I want to live out my last days having a party! So that is what we had...so to speak....we had people in and out of the house for days and days. Old friends my Dad had.....good friends....and of course family lots of family! My Dad was loved by a lot of people. My dad had his party for 3 weeks...that's right that man beat the doctors 3-4 days by a long shot. And he told my brother you call those doctors and tell them "HA I am still here"! That last week of his life watching my father wither and become frail was hard. And on November 5th he passed into forever sleep. He will be remembered by many. In the few weeks that followed his passing we got ready for his memorial service which was attended by many...and we had a graveside burial just for the family. It wasn't until later that evening when I told my Mom our news.....for see I had kept it secret all day but later at home I sat with my Mom and said "well I do believe that we will miss Dad a lot but I think that someone has joined our family for a reason"! My mother looked at me and said "oh really.....do you now". "Yes I do"..........see prince #3 joined our family in the few weeks prior to my dad leaving us....so he is a special gift to us!
Prince #3 |
Do I miss my Dad?..................Forever and Always!!
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